LA 7.1.5.d

Description: Analyze and use semantic relationships (e.g., multiple meanings, synonyms, antonyms, figurative language, connotations, subtle distinctions) to determine the meaning of words, aid in comprehension, and improve writing.
Maps to Reading Plus skills: 4A, 4A, 4B


4A: Interpreting Word Meaning

4A: Interpreting Word Meaning

Description: Interpreting Word Meaning

✓ standard met

Selection: G-41


Grade level: 7
Word count: 1728 words
Author: Heidi McLean
Synopsis: Throughout history, hair has sometimes been a sign of a person's culture, status, or religion.
Excerpt: On the other hand, some religions call for the cropping or even shaving of hair. In earlier centuries members of men's and women's religious orders, such as those for monks and nuns, cut or shaved their hair to symbolize their detachment from worldly possessions and lack of vanity.

Question: In this excerpt, what is the meaning of the word "cropping"?
  1. cutting closely
  2. growing successfully
  3. gathering neatly
  4. binding tightly

✓ standard met

Writing prompt: Choose a selection that included some unfamiliar vocabulary. Replace the unfamiliar words with synonyms that are easier to understand yet still convey the same meaning.


Organization: Certica Solutions

4B: Interpreting Analogies

4B: Interpreting Analogies

Description: Interpreting Analogies

✓ standard met

Selection: G-42


Grade level: 7
Word count: 1959 words
Author: Diane Lang
Synopsis: A "philosopher" inspires a community project to restore courage and kindness to the school.
Excerpt: I told Mr. Matas about my desire to be a doctor and repair deformities like mine, so other kids wouldn't be ridiculed or beaten like me. Mr. Matas inquired about my schoolwork and then asked about the boys who taunted me. Because he was so kind, I described my dismal situation, but admitted I was reluctant to request assistance from my parents and teachers.

"Stay strong," he urged. "Withered plants will eventually revive with sufficient watering."

Question: In this excerpt, when Mr. Matas uses the phrase "withered plants," he is really talking about the
  1. bullies at Jordi's school.
  2. parents in Mamelodi.
  3. flowers in his employer's garden.
  4. teachers at Jordi's school.

✓ standard met

Writing prompt: Write short paragraphs that demonstrate use of simile, metaphor, idiom, and hyperbole.


Organization: Certica Solutions

4A: Interpreting Word Meaning

4A: Interpreting Word Meaning

Description: Interpreting Word Meaning

✓ standard met

Selection: G-53


Grade level: 7
Word count: 1940 words
Author: Clare O'Connell
Synopsis: These games are a cultural means to promote peace and unity among people from all nations.
Excerpt: Seven judges from around the world listen to each category and award points based on sound, tone, artistic ability, and faithfulness to the musical score.

Question: In this excerpt, the word "score" most closely means
  1. printed music
  2. passing grade
  3. practice session
  4. top prize

✓ standard met

Writing prompt: Describe three or more words that you learned recently by reading Non-fiction texts about a certain topic. Explain why knowing these words has helped you better understand the topic.


Organization: Certica Solutions