
Description: Students will analyze how key literary elements contribute to the meaning of the literary work: plot
Maps to Reading Plus skills: 4C, 5A


4C: Visualizing

4C: Visualizing

Description: Visualizing

✓ standard met

Selection: G-62


Grade level: 7
Word count: 1445 words
Author: Idella Bodie
Synopsis: A patriotic symbol helps to keep British troops from taking Fort McHenry.
Excerpt: In the first light of dawn, the rain ceased. Key could see British ships pulling out into the open sea. They'd been unable to take Fort McHenry. Baltimore would not burn.

Then he spotted the flag. A faint wind unfurled the red and white stripes and the blue square with stars. Deeply touched, Key took a letter from his pocket and, on the back, scribbled words that came to him: by the dawn's early light . . .

Question: What did Francis Scott Key see that inspired him to write the words that would become "The Star-Spangled Banner"?
  1. the stripes and stars unfurling in the light of dawn
  2. the British battleships pulling out into the open sea
  3. the sparks from fire as Baltimore burned to the ground
  4. the letter he received while stationed at Fort McHenry

✓ standard met

Writing prompt: Pick an event from a selection and describe how you would make it into a scene for a movie.


Organization: Certica Solutions

5A: Examining Text Structure

5A: Examining Text Structure

Description: Examining Text Structure

✓ standard met

Selection: G-8


Grade level: 7
Word count: 1746 words
Author: Anonymous
Synopsis: Can young Arthur pull the sword from the stone?
Excerpt: "I am not your father nor related to you," said Sir Hector. "I must now reveal the secret I long have kept. You were brought to me in infancy, and I and my wife have raised you as our own son. Who you truly are I cannot say. Only Merlin the magician knows, but I feel certain you are of nobler blood than I can boast."

Question: Which quote represents an important change in the plot?
  1. "I am not your father nor related to you."
  2. "My brother Kay shall not be without a sword."
  3. "There is fraud or magic in this."
  4. "Rise, I pray. It pains me deeply to see you like that."

✓ standard met

Writing prompt: Explain an author's use of description in a selection, and how the description shaped the way you viewed and understood the person, object, or event described.


Organization: Certica Solutions