
Description: Interpret and analyze the author’s use of words, phrases, and conventions, and how their relationships shape meaning and tone in print and multimedia texts. Explain how the author’s choice of words, illustrations, and conventions combine to create mood, contribute to meaning, and emphasize aspects of a character or setting.
Maps to Reading Plus skills: 5A, 7C


5A: Examining Text Structure

5A: Examining Text Structure

Description: Examining Text Structure

✓ standard met

Selection: D-49


Grade level: 4
Word count: 1474 words
Author: Janet S. Anderson
Synopsis: Dragons are happy when they are well-fed. But when they become hungry, watch out!
Excerpt: No excerpt is available for this question.
Question: Which statement is correct about the narrator of this selection?
  1. The narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of all the characters.
  2. The narrator is a character in the selection.
  3. The narrator does not know what the characters are feeling.
  4. This selection has no narrator.

✓ standard met

Writing prompt: Explain an author's use of description in a selection, and how the description shaped the way you viewed and understood the person, object, or event described.


Organization: Certica Solutions

7C: Interpreting Images

7C: Interpreting Images

Description: Intepreting Images and Maps

✓ standard met

Selection: D-25


Grade level: 4
Word count: 1511 words
Author: John R. Corvell
Synopsis: Now come on. There's no such thing as a bird the size of an elephant. Is there?
Question image failed to load
Question: Look at this map. Based on what you read in the selection, the map shows where
  1. Pierre saw the giant birds.
  2. Pierre's ship started on its journey.
  3. Scientists discovered ostrich bones.
  4. Pierre's ship ended its journey.

✓ standard met

Writing prompt: Can an image help you understand a selection's main idea or theme? Choose two selections you read and explain how the image did or did not help you understand the selection.


Organization: Certica Solutions