
Description: Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts, to make effective choices for meaning or style, and to comprehend more fully when reading or listening. Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts, to make effective choices for meaning or style, and to comprehend more fully when reading or listening; consult references for guidance; and apply an understanding of syntax to the study of complex texts.
Maps to Reading Plus skills: 4B, 5C


4B: Interpreting Analogies

4B: Interpreting Analogies

Description: Interpreting Analogies

✓ standard met

Selection: K-13


Grade level: 11
Word count: 2110 words
Author: Katherine Menard
Synopsis: A growing segment of the population is becoming more knowledgeable about food sources and purchasing produce directly from local farmers.
Excerpt: One of the most significant elements of CSAs is the concept of shared risk. This is most obvious in the way a CSA operation is financed. Shareholders' up-front payments, like all investments, are based on potential, not actuality. Nobody can predict with certainty how much the farm will produce in a given year.

Question: When a consumer joins a CSA, the process can be compared to
  1. buying a stock whose profitability is determined by future conditions.
  2. joining a club that requires members to spend a certain amount on food.
  3. taking a part-time job that helps people in your community.
  4. coaching a sports team to get the best results during the season.

✓ standard met

Writing prompt: Describe how metaphor, simile, hyperbole, or personification is used in a selection and explain how it enhances or distracts from the selection.


Organization: Certica Solutions

5C: Examining Genre

5C: Examining Genre

Description: Examining Genre

✓ standard met

Selection: K-45


Grade level: 11
Word count: 2261 words
Author: Kate Scoville
Synopsis: Mules, dolphins, and dogs are well suited to carry out military operations.
Excerpt: No excerpt is available for this question.
Question: The genre of this selection is best described as
  1. nonfiction.
  2. historical fiction.
  3. realistic fiction.
  4. biography.

✓ standard met

Writing prompt: Choose an expository piece, such as a speech or an essay. Describe how the author uses language to relay information, or make (or respond) to an argument.


Organization: Certica Solutions