
Description: Create mental images to deepen understanding.
Maps to Reading Plus skills: 4C, 4C


4C: Visualizing

4C: Visualizing

Description: Visualizing

✓ standard met

Selection: B-70


Grade level: 2
Word count: 995 words
Author: R. Bender
Synopsis: Native Americans knew that corn, beans, and squash grow best when they are near each other. This fable explains it all!
Excerpt: The oldest sister was strong and tall. She was called Corn. She wore green dress. She had shiny golden hair. She stood very straight in the field. She stood above her sisters. Corn protected them.

Question: The legend of the three sisters describes one of the sisters as having a "green dress and golden hair." What is this phrase describing?
  1. the green leaves and yellow corn on a corn plant
  2. the green vine and yellow roots of a squash plant
  3. the green eyes and yellow shirt of a Native American boy
  4. the green and yellow flowers on a bean plant vine

✓ standard met

Writing prompt: Authors often use words in the same way artists use paints to create a picture. Describe how an author used words in this way in a selection you read.


Organization: Certica Solutions

4C: Visualizing

4C: Visualizing

Description: Visualizing

✓ standard met

Selection: B-8


Grade level: 2
Word count: 1022 words
Author: Elizabeth Holman
Synopsis: Animals form partnerships as if their lives depend on it--because they do.
Excerpt: When the shrimp digs a hole, it must get rid of the extra sand. That means it must go out into the open sea and dump it. And going out into the open sea means danger. That's when the goby fish helps. The fish will stand guard at the hole while the shrimp takes the sand away. The shrimp always keeps a part of its body touching the fish. If the fish sees trouble on the way, it will start to flap its tail. Then it will dart into the hole.

Question: A goby fish will warn a shrimp when danger is near. Which two of the following warnings does the fish provide?
  1. The fish moves its tail from side to side.
  2. The fish swims quickly into a hole.
  3. The fish creates bubbles in the water.
  4. The fish swims in circles.
  5. The fish sways its head from side to side.

✓ standard met

Writing prompt: List five words in a selection that helped you form a picture in your mind. Do additional research to find a synonym and antonym for each word, and use the word in a sentence.


Organization: Certica Solutions