
Description: Make and confirm predictions.
Maps to Reading Plus skills: 3A


3A: Predicting Outcomes

3A: Predicting Outcomes

Description: Predicting Outcomes

✓ standard met

Selection: B-5


Grade level: 2
Word count: 1000 words
Author: Kate Carter
Synopsis: The English language is full of sayings that don't mean what they say.
Excerpt: Its history goes back a long way. In the 1500s, houses had roofs made of straw. Cats and dogs usually slept outside, not in the house. On a cold, rainy night, they went up to the roof. They snuggled under the straw. It was the only place where they could get warm. But wet straw can be slippery, so sometimes the cats and dogs fell off the roof. People looked out their windows and said, "Look! It's raining cats and dogs!" Today we say "it's raining cats and dogs" when it rains really hard.

Question: What might have happened if goats, rather than cats and dogs, sat on roofs in the rain?
  1. The idiom would be "it's raining goats!"
  2. It would rain even harder.
  3. People would panic when it started to rain.
  4. The idiom would be "where are the cats and dogs?"

✓ standard met

Writing prompt: Use a selection you have read to finish this statement: "If only (a character) had done (this action) instead of (this action), then (make a prediction about what might have happened)." Use details from the selection to explain and support your prediction.


Organization: Certica Solutions