
Description: Ask and answer questions using the text as support.
Maps to Reading Plus skills: 3C


3C: Analyzing Cause/Effect

3C: Analyzing Cause/Effect

Description: Analyzing Cause and Effect

✓ standard met

Selection: B-18


Grade level: 2
Word count: 1107 words
Author: R. Bender
Synopsis: It would be impossible to live without plants. They are very important to our lives. From breathing to eating to brushing our teeth, we use plants throughout the day.
Excerpt: How do plants put oxygen in the air? Inside the leaves of plants are special cells. These cells are where a plant makes food for itself. As a plant makes food in its cells, it gives off this gas. The gas goes into the air.

Question: The selection states oxygen enters the air when plants
  1. make food.
  2. are cut down.
  3. make water.
  4. are eaten.

✓ standard met

Writing prompt: Write three "why" questions about things that happened in a selection and then answer those questions.


Organization: Certica Solutions