
Description: Analyze how visual and multimedia elements contribute to the purpose, meaning, or tone of the text (e.g., graphic novel, multimedia presentation of fiction, folktale, myth, and poem).
Maps to Reading Plus skills: 7C


7C: Interpreting Images

7C: Interpreting Images

Description: Intepreting Images and Maps

✓ standard met

Selection: HiE-18


Grade level: 5
Word count: 1708 words
Author: Anonymous
Synopsis: A Knight of the Round Table sets off on an adventure that will change his life.
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Question: What does the animal shown in this picture have to do with the selection?
  1. Sir Ivaine saved a lion that was almost killed by a serpent.
  2. Sir Ivaine was attacked by a lion when he returned to fight the Black Knight.
  3. Sir Ivaine fought a lion that had tried to bite his noble wife.
  4. Sir Ivaine was tricked by a lion that was really the Black Knight in animal form.

✓ standard met

Writing prompt: In what ways can maps help you to better understand the main idea and supporting details of a selection?


Organization: Certica Solutions