
Description: Key Ideas and Details Identify the main topic of a multiparagraph text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text.
Maps to Reading Plus skills: 2A, 2C, 9B


2A: Determining Main Idea

2A: Determining Main Idea

Description: Determining Main Idea and Themes

✓ standard met

Selection: B-1


Grade level: 2
Word count: 1097 words
Author: Carlos Valdoza
Synopsis: Are you the oldest in your family? The youngest? In between? The only? Your answer tells a lot about you.
Excerpt: No excerpt is available for this question.
Question: This selection is mainly about
  1. how family birth order affects your personality.
  2. why first-born kids are more likely to be president.
  3. which traits are the most dangerous.
  4. what you can do to change your birth order.

✓ standard met

Writing prompt: Use a story map to show the main idea and its supporting details in a selection.


Organization: Certica Solutions

2C: Summarizing

2C: Summarizing

Description: Summarizing

✓ standard met

Selection: B-5


Grade level: 2
Word count: 1000 words
Author: Kate Carter
Synopsis: The English language is full of sayings that don't mean what they say.
Excerpt: Here's another idiom that may puzzle you: "Don't count your chickens before they hatch." It means you shouldn't be sure something will happen. There's always a chance it won't happen at all.

Question: Someone who "counts their chickens before they hatch" is
  1. feeling sure a certain thing will happen.
  2. worrying too much about small details.
  3. working hard but not succeeding
  4. trying to make people laugh.

✓ standard met

Writing prompt: Write an email to a friend and describe a selection you read.


Organization: Certica Solutions

9B: Classifying

9B: Classifying

Description: Classify

✓ standard met

Selection: B-49


Grade level: 2
Word count: 1087 words
Author: Barbara Smalley
Synopsis: Hot dogs are one of America's most popular foods.
Excerpt: No excerpt is available for this question.
Question: Hot dogs are popular for many reasons. All of these statements explain why hot dogs are popular EXCEPT
  1. "Hot dogs have a narrow tube shape, and they are usually brown."
  2. "Hot dogs can be easily heated in a pan, on a grill, or in boiling water."
  3. "Hot dogs are available in most places, and they do not cost much money."
  4. "Hot dogs can be served with any kind of topping a person likes."

✓ standard met

Writing prompt: Write three headings: Places, Animals, Events. Under these headings, list the names and main ideas of at least 7 non-fiction texts you have read.


Organization: Certica Solutions