
Description: Purpose and Perspective Analyze how an author establishes and achieves purpose(s) through rhetorical appeals and/or figurative language.
Maps to Reading Plus skills: 5C, 6A


5C: Examining Genre

5C: Examining Genre

Description: Examining Genre

✓ standard met

Selection: I-42


Grade level: 9
Word count: 2284 words
Author: James Herbert Walker
Synopsis: The Johnstown Flood was one of the worst calamities in American history. More than 2,000 people were killed in this tragic event.
Excerpt: No excerpt is available for this question.
Question: This selection is best described as
  1. narrative nonfiction.
  2. an autobiography.
  3. a speech.
  4. science fiction.

✓ standard met

Writing prompt: Choose an expository piece, such as a speech or an essay. Describe how the author uses language to relay information, or make (or respond) to an argument.


Organization: Certica Solutions

6A: Recognizing Author's Intent

6A: Recognizing Author's Intent

Description: Recognizing Author's Purpose

✓ standard met

Selection: I-43


Grade level: 9
Word count: 1906 words
Author: Katherine Menard
Synopsis: During these events each team, called a "colla," builds and dismantles its own human tower.
Excerpt: These human towers, called castells, are a longstanding and beloved tradition of Catalonia, a region in easternmost Spain. The art and craft of assembling (and instantly disassembling) castells dates back to the early 1700s, but has grown enormously in popularity in recent years. Castells are featured at special festivals, most of which are held in the vicinity of Barcelona, the largest city in Catalonia.

Question: What is the author's purpose in describing other towers in the beginning of this selection?
  1. to highlight the cultural significance of the castells
  2. to demonstrate how much more difficult it is to build physical towers than castells
  3. to suggest that the castelliers should invest their energy and talent in more permanent structures
  4. to show that large cities have erected significant structures

✓ standard met

Writing prompt: Describe how the author of an argument tries to prove that he or she is right.


Organization: Certica Solutions