Grade 2 » Reading: Vocabulary

Vocabulary Building


Description: Use context clues (e.g., words and sentence clues) and text features (e.g., table of contents, headings) to determine the meanings of unknown words.
Does Reading Plus meet this standard?
✓ standard met
Aligned modules:
✓ SeeReader
✓ Writing Prompts


Description: Identify relationships among words, including common synonyms and antonyms, and simple multiple-meaning words (e.g., change, duck).
Does Reading Plus meet this standard?
✓ standard met
Aligned modules:
✓ SeeReader
✓ Writing Prompts

Vocabulary in Literature and Nonfiction Texts


Description: Recognize that authors use words (e.g., regular beats, repeating lines, simile, alliteration, onomatopoeia, idioms) to provide rhythm and meaning in a story, poem, or song.
Does Reading Plus meet this standard?
✓ standard met
Aligned modules:
✓ SeeReader
✓ Writing Prompts