Grade 3 » Reading: Vocabulary

Vocabulary Building


Description: Apply context clues (e.g., word, phrase, and sentence clues) and text features (e.g., maps, illustrations, charts) to determine the meanings of unknown words.
Does Reading Plus meet this standard?
✓ standard met
Aligned modules:
✓ SeeReader
✓ Writing Prompts


Description: Identify relationships among words, including synonyms, antonyms, homographs, homonyms, and multiple-meaning words (e.g., puzzle, fire).
Does Reading Plus meet this standard?
✓ standard met
Aligned modules:
✓ SeeReader
✓ Writing Prompts

Vocabulary in Literature and Nonfiction Texts


Description: Determine how the author uses words and phrases to provide meaning to works of literature, distinguishing literal from nonliteral language, including figurative language (e.g., similes).
Does Reading Plus meet this standard?
✓ standard met
Aligned modules:
✓ SeeReader
✓ Writing Prompts


Description: Determine the meanings of general academic and content-specific words and phrases in a nonfiction text relevant to a third grade topic or subject area.
Does Reading Plus meet this standard?
✓ standard met
Aligned modules:
✓ SeeReader
✓ Writing Prompts