Grade 6 » Reading: Literature

Key Ideas and Textual Support


Description: Analyze what a text says explicitly as well as draw inferences from the text through citing textual evidence.
Does Reading Plus meet this standard?
✓ standard met
Aligned modules:
✓ SeeReader
✓ Writing Prompts


Description: Determine how a theme or central idea of a work of literature is conveyed through particular details; provide a detailed, objective summary of the text.
Does Reading Plus meet this standard?
✓ standard met
Aligned modules:
✓ SeeReader
✓ Writing Prompts


Description: Explain how a plot unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the narrative advances and moves toward a resolution.
Does Reading Plus meet this standard?
✓ standard met
Aligned modules:
✓ SeeReader
✓ Writing Prompts

Structural Elements and Organization


Description: Analyze how a particular sentence, chapter, scene, or stanza fits into the overall structure of a work of literature and contributes to the development of the theme, characterization, setting, or plot.
Does Reading Plus meet this standard?
✓ standard met
Aligned modules:
✓ SeeReader
✓ Writing Prompts


Description: Explain how an author develops the point of view of the narrator or speaker in a work of literature and how the narrator or speaker impacts the mood, tone, and meaning of a text.
Does Reading Plus meet this standard?
✓ standard met
Aligned modules:
✓ SeeReader
✓ Writing Prompts

Synthesis and Connection of Ideas


Description: Compare and contrast works of literature in different forms or genres (e.g., stories and poems; historical novels and fantasy stories) in terms of their approaches to similar themes and topics.
Does Reading Plus meet this standard?
✓ standard met
Aligned modules:
✓ SeeReader
✓ Writing Prompts