Grade 9 » Author's purpose and craft

Description: Listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts

Author's purpose and craft

Description: The student uses critical inquiry to analyze the authors' choices and how they influence and communicate meaning within a variety of texts. The student analyzes and applies author's craft purposefully in order to develop his or her own products and performances.


Description: Analyze the author's purpose, audience, and message within a text.
Does Reading Plus meet this standard?
✓ standard met
Aligned modules:
✓ SeeReader
✓ Writing Prompts


Description: Analyze use of text structure to achieve the author's purpose.
Does Reading Plus meet this standard?
✓ standard met
Aligned modules:
✓ SeeReader
✓ Writing Prompts


Description: Evaluate the author's use of print and graphic features to achieve specific purposes.
Does Reading Plus meet this standard?
✓ standard met
Aligned modules:
✓ SeeReader
✓ Writing Prompts


Description: Analyze how the author's use of language achieves specific purposes.
Does Reading Plus meet this standard?
✓ standard met
Aligned modules:
✓ SeeReader
✓ Writing Prompts


Description: Analyze the use of literary devices such as irony and oxymoron to achieve specific purposes.
Does Reading Plus meet this standard?
✓ standard met
Aligned modules:
✓ SeeReader
✓ Writing Prompts


Description: Analyze how the author's diction and syntax contribute to the mood, voice, and tone of a text.
Does Reading Plus meet this standard?
✓ standard met
Aligned modules:
✓ SeeReader
✓ Writing Prompts


Description: Explain the purpose of rhetorical devices such as understatement and overstatement and the effect of logical fallacies such as straw man and red herring arguments.
Does Reading Plus meet this standard?
✓ standard met
Aligned modules:
✓ SeeReader
✓ Writing Prompts


Description: Analyze the author's purpose, audience, and message within a text.
Does Reading Plus meet this standard?
✓ standard met
Aligned modules:
✓ SeeReader
✓ Writing Prompts


Description: Analyze use of text structure to achieve the author's purpose.
Does Reading Plus meet this standard?
✓ standard met
Aligned modules:
✓ SeeReader
✓ Writing Prompts


Description: Evaluate the author's use of print and graphic features to achieve specific purposes.
Does Reading Plus meet this standard?
✓ standard met
Aligned modules:
✓ SeeReader
✓ Writing Prompts


Description: Analyze how the author's use of language informs and shapes the perception of readers.
Does Reading Plus meet this standard?
✓ standard met
Aligned modules:
✓ SeeReader
✓ Writing Prompts


Description: Analyze the use of literary devices such as irony, sarcasm, and motif to achieve specific purposes.
Does Reading Plus meet this standard?
✓ standard met
Aligned modules:
✓ SeeReader
✓ Writing Prompts


Description: Analyze how the author's diction and syntax contribute to the mood, voice, and tone of a text.
Does Reading Plus meet this standard?
✓ standard met
Aligned modules:
✓ SeeReader
✓ Writing Prompts


Description: Analyze the author's purpose, audience, and message within a text.
Does Reading Plus meet this standard?
✓ standard met
Aligned modules:
✓ SeeReader
✓ Writing Prompts


Description: Evaluate use of text structure to achieve the author's purpose.
Does Reading Plus meet this standard?
✓ standard met
Aligned modules:
✓ SeeReader
✓ Writing Prompts


Description: Evaluate the author's use of print and graphic features to achieve specific purposes.
Does Reading Plus meet this standard?
✓ standard met
Aligned modules:
✓ SeeReader
✓ Writing Prompts


Description: Evaluate how the author's use of language informs and shapes the perception of readers.
Does Reading Plus meet this standard?
✓ standard met
Aligned modules:
✓ SeeReader
✓ Writing Prompts


Description: Evaluate how the author's diction and syntax contribute to the mood, voice, and tone of a text.
Does Reading Plus meet this standard?
✓ standard met
Aligned modules:
✓ SeeReader
✓ Writing Prompts


Description: Evaluate the author's purpose, audience, and message within a text.
Does Reading Plus meet this standard?
✓ standard met
Aligned modules:
✓ SeeReader
✓ Writing Prompts


Description: Evaluate use of text structure to achieve the author's purpose.
Does Reading Plus meet this standard?
✓ standard met
Aligned modules:
✓ SeeReader
✓ Writing Prompts


Description: Evaluate the author's use of print and graphic features to achieve specific purposes.
Does Reading Plus meet this standard?
✓ standard met
Aligned modules:
✓ SeeReader
✓ Writing Prompts


Description: Critique and evaluate how the author's use of language informs and shapes the perception of readers.
Does Reading Plus meet this standard?
✓ standard met
Aligned modules:
✓ SeeReader
✓ Writing Prompts


Description: Evaluate how the author's diction and syntax contribute to the effectiveness of a text.
Does Reading Plus meet this standard?
✓ standard met
Aligned modules:
✓ SeeReader
✓ Writing Prompts