
Description: Key Ideas and Details Read closely to comprehend texts of grade-level appropriate complexity: Determine what the text says explicitly and implicitly.
Maps to Reading Plus skills: 1A, 2B, 3C, 5A, 7C, 8A, 9B


1A: Recalling Explicit Details

1A: Recalling Explicit Details

Description: Identifying explicit details including character, time, setting and speaker

✓ standard met

Selection: I-8


Grade level: 9
Word count: 1716 words
Author: H.H. Munro
Synopsis: The legend about the Cernogratz wolves is just a story -- isn't it? An elderly servant says otherwise.
Excerpt: "Hark! What is that other sound?" asked the startled Baron, as a noise of splitting and crashing was heard.

It was a tree falling in the park.

There was a moment of constrained silence, and then the banker's wife spoke.

"It is the intense cold that is splitting the trees. It is also the cold that has brought the wolves out in such numbers. It is many years since we have had such a cold winter."

The Baroness eagerly agreed that the cold was responsible for these things. It was the cold of the open window, too, which caused the heart failure that made the doctor's ministrations unnecessary for the old Fraulein.

Question: The Baroness and her guests said both the howling wolves and the falling trees were due to
  1. the extreme cold.
  2. the rise of the full moon.
  3. sheer coincidence.
  4. bad luck.

✓ standard met

Writing prompt: Write three questions about a selection that will require additional research or fact-checking to answer them. Provide the answers to these questions.


Organization: Certica Solutions

2B: Analyzing Relative Importance

2B: Analyzing Relative Importance

Description: Determining Relative Importance

✓ standard met

Selection: I-10


Grade level: 9
Word count: 1732 words
Author: Mary R. Dunn
Synopsis: You can learn a lot of interesting things about ancient people from their bones.
Excerpt: When a map of Florida appeared on the screen, students thought it must be a mistake, but Professor Linus pointed to a town in the central part of the state labeled Titusville, which he described as one of the most significant archeological sites in North America. The land being developed was a bog and had, at one time in the past, been used as a cemetery. The peat in the region had preserved the skeletons of about 168 prehistoric people buried there.

Question: Based on this excerpt, what was the most unusual aspect of the Titusville site?
  1. It was a bog that preserved prehistoric bodies.
  2. It appeared on a map of the central part of Florida.
  3. It was being developed by a construction company.
  4. It had been used in the past as a vacation resort.

✓ standard met

Writing prompt: Create a Facebook fan page for a selection. Include the most important information to share with fans.


Organization: Certica Solutions

3C: Analyzing Cause/Effect

3C: Analyzing Cause/Effect

Description: Analyzing Cause and Effect

✓ standard met

Selection: I-36


Grade level: 9
Word count: 2302 words
Author: Erica Cirino
Synopsis: Brothers want to see a new pirate film, but they don't have enough money. Will their plan to get the money work out?
Excerpt: Once upstairs we plunked down on my bottom bunk and began to draft our ransom note. I wrote the note while John thought up what we should say, since he was the creative one but had terrible spelling and handwriting. I tried to conceal my identity from Mom and Dad by writing the note while holding the pen in my left hand, since I normally use my right hand.

Question: Why did Jay write the ransom note with his left hand?
  1. He did not want his parents to recognize his handwriting.
  2. He wanted it to look as if John wrote the note.
  3. He was writing the draft with his left hand but would use his right hand for the actual note.
  4. He had better handwriting when using his left hand.

✓ standard met

Writing prompt: Describe the cause and effect relationship in a selection you read.


Organization: Certica Solutions

5A: Examining Text Structure

5A: Examining Text Structure

Description: Examining Text Structure

✓ standard met

Selection: I-38


Grade level: 9
Word count: 1934 words
Author: Emily Bronte
Synopsis: A tenant visits his new landlord, receiving a cold welcome but gaining some insight into the mysterious owner of Wuthering Heights.
Excerpt: "Mr. Lockwood, your new tenant, sir. I do myself the honor of calling as soon as possible after my arrival, to express the hope that I have not inconvenienced you by my perseverance in soliciting the occupation of Thrushcross Grange: I heard yesterday you had had some thoughts. . ."

Question: Who is the narrator of this selection?
  1. Mr. Lockwood
  2. Emily Bronte
  3. Joseph
  4. Mr. Heathcliff

✓ standard met

Writing prompt: Describe how the author of a selection uses details to advance the plot.


Organization: Certica Solutions

7C: Interpreting Images

7C: Interpreting Images

Description: Intepreting Images and Maps

✓ standard met

Selection: I-34


Grade level: 9
Word count: 1729 words
Author: Leo Tolstoy
Synopsis: The learned men in the kingdom are unable to answer the king's questions. Can a wise hermit provide the answers?
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Question: What significance does this item have in the selection?
  1. If the King did not take this item from the hermit, he would have been attacked.
  2. If the King took this item from the hermit, he would have been attacked.
  3. If the man did not take this item from the hermit, he would have met the King.
  4. If the man took this item from the hermit, he would have met the King.

✓ standard met

Writing prompt: Describe how images used in a text added to the mood or overall understanding of the text. Use images and details from a selection you have read to illustrate and explain your answer.


Organization: Certica Solutions

8A: Judging Validity

8A: Judging Validity

Description: Judge Validity

✓ standard met

Selection: I-10


Grade level: 9
Word count: 1732 words
Author: Mary R. Dunn
Synopsis: You can learn a lot of interesting things about ancient people from their bones.
Excerpt: In his final example, Professor Linus discussed the skeleton of a young woman found on a 4,000-year-old site in the Arabian Peninsula. The woman had very slender arm and leg bones, probably from a disease like polio. She would have needed 24-hour care and the people in her tribe would have needed to tend to her day and night.

Question: What evidence supports the scientists' reasoning that the young woman's remains found in the Arabian Peninsula had a bone disease?
  1. Her arm and leg bones were very slender.
  2. She was found with casts on her limbs.
  3. The people of her tribe avoided her.
  4. People of that region often had polio.

✓ standard met

Writing prompt: Imagine you are an attorney. Write an opening statement to the jury that argues the validity of a selection you read. Provide supportive evidence.


Organization: Certica Solutions

9B: Classifying

9B: Classifying

Description: Classify

✓ standard met

Selection: I-34


Grade level: 9
Word count: 1729 words
Author: Leo Tolstoy
Synopsis: The learned men in the kingdom are unable to answer the king's questions. Can a wise hermit provide the answers?
Excerpt: "You are tired," said the King, "let me take the spade and work awhile for you."

"Thanks!" said the hermit, and, giving the spade to the King, he sat down on the ground.

But the King did not give him the spade, and continued to dig. One hour passed, and another.

The King turned round, and saw a bearded man come running out of the wood. The man held his hands pressed against his stomach, and blood was flowing from under them. When he reached the King, he fell fainting on the ground moaning feebly. The King and the hermit loosened the man's clothing. The King washed it as best he could, and bandaged it with his handkerchief and with a towel the hermit had.

The King was very glad to have made peace with his enemy so easily, and to have gained him for a friend, and he not only forgave him, but said he would send his servants and his own physician to attend him, and promised to restore his property.

Question: The King learns the answers to his three questions after he performs three acts of compassion in this selection. What were the three acts?
  1. He helped the hermit dig, he cared for the wounded man, and he made peace with the wounded man.
  2. He helped the hermit dig, he paid for a doctor for the wounded man, and he fed the guard.
  3. He cared for the wounded man, he brought gifts for the hermit's family, and he made peace with the guard.
  4. He made peace with the hermit, he helped the wounded man, and he found jobs for the learned men.

✓ standard met

Writing prompt: List three of your personal interests. By using the Internet or visiting a library, find five books that relate to each of those interests. Label the books as fiction or non-fiction and indicate how each book relates to an interest.


Organization: Certica Solutions