Interpret and analyze the author’s use of words, phrases, and conventions, and how their relationships shape meaning and tone in print and multimedia texts.
Determine the figurative and connotative meanings of words and phrases; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone.
Maps to Reading Plus skills:
4B, 6C
4B: Interpreting Analogies
4B: Interpreting Analogies
Interpreting Analogies
✓ standard met
Grade level: 9
Word count: 1574 words
Author: Anton Chekhov
Synopsis: A man's reputation is questioned after a rumor about him begins to spread through the community. But how does the rumor spread? Who is at fault?
Marfa walked up to one of the benches and carefully lifted a greasy newspaper. Beneath that paper, in a huge dish, lay a big fat sturgeon, amid capers, olives, and carrots. Akhin glanced at the sturgeon and heaved a sigh of relief. His face became radiant, his eyes rolled. He bent down, and, smacking his lips, gave vent to a sound like a creaking wheel. He stood a while, then snapped his fingers for pleasure, and smacked his lips once more.
Choose the sentence in this excerpt that includes an example of simile.
✓ standard met
Writing prompt:
Describe how metaphor, simile, hyperbole, or personification is used in a selection and explain how it enhances or distracts from the selection.
Certica Solutions
6C: Recognizing Mood/Tone
6C: Recognizing Mood/Tone
Recognizing Mood and Tone
✓ standard met
Grade level: 9
Word count: 1833 words
Author: Charles Dickens
Synopsis: A young orphan, whose life's expectations are dim, meets a strange man while visiting his parents' graves in the village churchyard.
At such a time I found out for certain that this bleak place overgrown with nettles was the churchyard, and that Philip Pirrip, late of this parish, and also Georgiana wife of the above, were dead and buried; and that Alexander, Bartholomew, Abraham, Tobias, and Roger, infant children of the aforesaid, were also dead and buried; and that the dark flat wilderness beyond the churchyard, intersected with dikes and mounds and gates, with scattered cattle feeding on it, was the marshes; and that the low leaden line beyond was the river; and that the distant savage lair from which the wind was rushing was the sea; and that the small bundle of shivers growing afraid of it all and beginning to cry was Pip.
Read this excerpt from the selection. The author's description of the setting gives the story a feeling of
- loneliness.
- frustration.
- nervousness.
- panic.
✓ standard met
Writing prompt:
What kinds of language or other text structure elements (tone) are used to create a dramatic or fearful mood? Use details from a selection you have read to illustrate and explain your answer.
Certica Solutions